Veridt Stealth Readers

Veridt Stealth series readers are designed to be operated as a Class 1 access control system component for use without requirements to withstand a destructive attack. A Tamper Indicator switch is available to provide a supervisory indication to the PACS in the event the reader is removed from its installed location. 

Veridt Stealth series readers are designed to meet the requirements of the National Electrical Code for Class 2 systems and are intended to be used with UL294 listed control equipment 

Veridt Stealth series readers are tested to meet the following UL294 Levels 

Destructive Attack: Level I 
Line Security: Level I 
Endurance: Level I 
Standby Power: Level I 

Stealth Series Part Numbers, Readers Authentication and Communications Interface Details.

Stealth Reader Specifications

Purchasing Veridt Readers

Veridt readers can be sourced either directly, or through our partners including:

Avigilon / Motorola Solutions

AMAG Technology, Inc.

DAQ Electronics

Gallagher Security Systems

Galaxy Control Systems




Software House

Notice: Be sure to purchase from the PACS manufacturer for which the readers are to be installed. Purchasing readers that are mismatched with a different PACS manufacturer may result in the reader being inoperable due to configurational differences AND may result in additional costs to remedy or repair.

Weather Accessories and Mounting Options

Veridt offers a variety of environmental enclosures mounting options and to properly secure and protect your readers.

Constructed from heavy gauge tinted polycarbonate. Required for outdoor operation of Stealth Bio-Reader. 

Fits all Stealth models, both Bio and Non-Bio reader. Custom backplate for simplified reader mounting.

Black Box extenders, Spacers, and Mullion Mount Adaptors.

Please contact Veridt directly if your specific reader mounting will require special customization. Veridt can work with you to determine the best and most effective installation of your reader. 

Mobile Wireless Readers

Veridt Designed Next Generation Wireless Technology 

• Hardware Design Based on Stealth Architecture 

• 2.4 GHz Point to Point Wireless Based on Zigbee Communications Protocol 

• EWAC Secure Communications